User Guide

Purpose & Audience

CiteClinic allows you to easily retrieve citation information from any journal article with a valid Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and generate modifiable, optionally styled UI citation components for use on your site or CMS of choice.

This is a tool for web developers or site administrators who frequently update publication listings for resident doctors, researchers, professors, etc.

How it Works

CiteClinic interfaces with the Crossref API. Because of CiteClinic's focus on the medical community, it produces citations in Vancouver Style. This may change if there is specific user demand for other citation formats.

User Flow:

  1. Type or paste a valid DOI string into the input bar, then click the "CITE" button.
  2. A citation is generated and housed under its own tab on the page. Tabs can be navigated between and deleted.
  3. Edit the text fields to see live changes to your citation.
  4. Modify border thickness, border color, and box shadow styles.
  5. Copy the HTML and CSS of your styled citation, which are regenerated with each change.
  6. Copy just the raw text, if desired.
  7. You can have a maximum of 8 active citations on the page.


  • This tool is designed for journal articles – valid DOI strings for non-journal articles may be rejected by CiteClinic's API configuration. An error message will flash upon submitting such a DOI.
  • CiteClinic will alert you if there is a null value for a field, meaning that it is empty in the Crossref database. Review and make any desired edits to your citations before exporting.

Editable Example

After your citation is generated, you can edit the individual fields that compose it. Try editing the text in the field below to see changes in the live display.

Edit this field

Live Display

This text's display updates as you type.

Submit Feedback

Got a feature or specific support you'd like to see in CiteClinic? Encountered a bug or issue? Post it on the GitHub repository's issues section.